What is my FedEx SmartPost Hub ID?
Your FedEx SmartPost Hub ID corresponds to the nearest FedEx SmartPost processing hub to your location. If you do not know your Hub ID, you can find it below:
Location | Code |
HQ – Brookfield, WI | 5531 |
Allentown, PA | 5185 |
Atlanta, GA | 5303 |
Avenel, NJ | Peak Annex |
Baltimore, MD | 5213 |
Charlotte, NC | 5281 |
Chino, CA | 5929 |
Dallas, TX | 5751 |
Denver, CO | 5802 |
Detroit, MI | 5481 |
Edison, NJ | 5087 |
Grove City, OH | 5431 |
Grove Port, OH | 5436 |
Houston, TX | 5771 |
Indianapolis, IN | 5465 |
Kansas City, KS | 5648 |
Los Angeles, CA | 5902 |
Martinsburg, WV | 5254 |
Memphis, TN | 5379 |
Minneapolis, MN | 5552 |
New Berlin, WI | 5531 |
Northborough, MA | 5015 |
Orlando, FL | 5327 |
Phoenix, AZ | 5854 |
Pittsburgh, PA | 5150 |
Reno, NV | 5893 |
Sacramento, CA | 5958 |
Salt Lake City, UT | 5843 |
Seattle, WA | 5983 |
Scranton, PA | 5186 |
South Brunswick, NJ | 5097 |
St. Louis, MO | 5631 |
Wheeling, IL | 5602 |
Windsor, CT | 5061 |