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How do I create a profile?

Profiles in ReadyShipper X are great for:

  • Customers who have multiple brands.

  • Customers with multiple stores and locations.

  • Customers utilizing third-party logistics.

  • Customers who have multiple shipper accounts.

To understand how Profiles work, they are made up of five components:


1.Order View

The first step is to create a new View in your ReadyCloud dashboard. Login to your ReadyCloud account and click the Orders tab on the left. Next, click on Default View at the top of the and click + Add. Give the view a unique name to identify which orders will be in this view. Use the Filters at the top right to identify which orders you want to sort into a specific folder in ReadyShipper X. When you are done creating filters, click the Update View button next to the view name. You will now be able to import this view into ReadyShipper X as a folder. You can create as many views as you want here, and each view can be assigned to a specific profile in ReadyShipper X.


The next step is to open ReadyShipper X and enable the Order Views you just created in ReadyCloud. To do this, go to Settings -> Order Views and then toggle the views to the On position.


2.Ship Form

If you have multiple addresses you will be shipping from, you will want to add them on the Ship From tab in Settings. Click the + button at the top to create a new Ship From address and fill out all the required information.


3.Shipper Account

If you will be using different Shipper Accounts for each Profile, then you will want to add all the Shipper Accounts you be using to the Shipper Accounts tab in Settings.


4. Labels and Forms

Some users will have custom forms that they will be using for each profile. But in most cases, users will be using the same Form Style for all of their profiles. First you will want to go to the Labels and Forms tab and customize your form with your own Terms and Conditions and Logo if you will be using Standard Landscape. If you are using thermal labels. you can skip this step.




Now you can begin creating your Profiles. Go to the Profiles tab and click the + button at the top to create a new Profile. Give the Profile a name and make sure Enabled is toggled to the On position. If you setup multiple Ship From addresses, choose the correct Ship From address for this profile from the drop down box. Select one of the Order Views you created earlier to assign this profile to. Any orders in the order view you select will have this Profile applied to them. If you have multiple shipper accounts and there are certain Shipper accounts you want to only use for this Profile, set them under Shipper Accounts. Finally choose a Form Style that will be used for all labels printed with orders in this Profile. You may click the + button again and add as many profiles as you'd like. In the example below, I have created two Profiles, one for a PHX Warehouse and one for an NYC Warehouse




Shipping with Profiles

Now go back to the main orders screen in ReadyShipper X and select one of the Order Views you created in ReadyCloud, which will now appear as folders under Orders on the left. Any orders you ship from that folder will have all the settings applied from the Profile you associated with it at ship time. Notice in the message box at the bottom you will see the Profile being applied to each order as it ships.


