How do I copy my old saved addresses from ReadyShipper Pro to ReadyShipper X?
Want to upgrade to ReadyShipper X but have tons of saved addresses in ReadyShipper Pro that you don't want to lose? No problem! Follow these simple steps to move all of your saved addresses right into ReadyShipper X.
Step 1: Open ReadyShipper Pro on the computer you would like to export your addresses from.
Step 2: Setup your export map in ReadyShipper Pro.
You will need to download our ExportContacts.rsmap file and load it into your ReadyShipper Pro Export Maps. Go to File → Export Order(s) → CSV → ExportContacts → Settings and then click the Load Map
button. Browse to and select the ExportContacts.rsmap
file you just downloaded.
Step 3: Export your addresses from ReadyShipper Pro in to a CSV file.
Once the export map is loaded, you can close the window and go to File → Export Order(s) → CSV → ExportContacts → Shipped. Save the new file as Contacts.csv
WARNING: You cannot install ReadyShipper Pro and ReadyShipper X as separate applications on the same computer. Do NOT at any point in this process uninstall or remove ReadyShipper Pro or ReadyShipper X. This could cause you to lose some or all of your data.
NOTE: When you install ReadyShipper X, it will upgrade ReadyShipper Pro and you can always revert back to ReadyShipper Pro by reinstalling it again. If you are not comfortable with this, you can also take the Contacts.csv
file you created earlier and copy it to a USB drive and then import your addresses into ReadyShipper X installed on a different computer.
Step 4: Open ReadyShipper X on the computer you would like to import your addresses into.
Step 5: Setup your import map in ReadyShipper X.
You will need to download our ImportContacts.rsmap file and load it into your ReadyShipper X Import Maps. Go to File → Import and then click the Load Map
button.Browse to and select the ImportContacts.rsmap
file you just downloaded.
Step 6: Import your addresses into ReadyShipper X from a CSV file.
Once the import map is loaded, select CSV Map - ImportContacts
in the list and then click the Import
button. Browse to and select the Contacts.csv
file you created earlier in Step 3. You will see a progress bar letting you know when the import is completed
Step 7: Restart ReadyShipper X and start creating new labels.
You should now be able to click the Make a Label
button and then in the new window, click the Contacts
button at the bottom left and see a list of all your previous addresses from ReadyShipper Pro. You can also review and edit these addresses by logging into your ReadyCloud account and clicking Contacts on the left menu.