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How do I add ReadyReturns to my website?

The recommended method is to add the ReadyReturns portal directly to the existing return pages on your website. This provides a much more fluid experience for the customer as it will not take the customer away from your website, increasing second-chance sales. To get started:

  1. After logging in to your ReadyCloud account, select ReadyReturns at the bottom of the left sidebar.
  2. In the ReadyReturn admin, click the Settings button near the top right then select Themes on the left sidebar.
  3. On this page, you will find sections for your ReadyReturns URL and your ReadyReturn embed code.
  4. There are three different methods of implementing ReadyReturns in to your existing website:
    1. Embed ReadyReturns (recommended)
    2. Your ReadyReturns Test URL 
    3. ReadyReturns URL Query Parameters (advanced)

a. Embed ReadyReturns (recommended)


To embed the ReadyReturns portal into your website, simply copy the HTML code from this textbox directly into the HTML code on your website where you would like the embedded iframe to appear.

You can see an example of this method by clicking here.

b. Externally Hosted Landing Page


You can utilize the link in this textbox on your website to take customers to an externally hosted page showing the ReadyReturns portal.

You can see an example of this method by clicking here.

c. ReadyReturns URL Query Parameters (advanced)


If you would like to build returns directly into the My Account section of your website, you can ask your Web Developer to implement query parameters that point to your return URL to open a specific return order directly from your website. For Example:

More: Customization Options

You have the ability to customize your returns portal even further through the use of accent colors and updating your background.


For advanced users, you can utilize custom CSS code, please check the "Enable custom CSS" checkbox on this page and then enter your CSS into the box below it:

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To get you started, below are a few examples of custom CSS you can use:

body {
/* Make the background color transparent */
background: transparent;
body {
/* Make the background color a gradient */
background: linear-gradient(#0d206d, #007bfc) no-repeat center center fixed;
body {
/* Make the background an image */
background: url('') no-repeat center center fixed;

You can learn more about CSS by clicking here.